Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Twenty-eight week visit

Blood pressure remains good. Gained five more pounds for a total of twenty so far. Uterus is still measuring large -- thirty-two weeks. That's an improvement over last time, when I was twenty-four weeks and my uterus was measuring thirty weeks. In other words, I'm currently measuring only four weeks ahead of schedule instead of six.

I'm scheduled for an ultrasound at my next visit (i.e., thirty-two weeks, four weeks from now) to see how big the baby really is and measure stuff like fluid volume. At that point, they'll revise my due date if necessary.

Judging by the placement of kicks and other movements, Kidney Bean is probably breech, but it's far too early to be concerned. As I understand it, it's common and perfectly normal for a baby to be in a breech position at this point in a pregnancy.


At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that everything is going well. It will be interesting to see what the ultrasound says and if they move your due date up.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I hope it [the due date] doesn't change too much. Our childbirth education classes finish up exactly three weeks before my current due date.

I'm sure it'll all work out. After all, I'm already trending back to the original schedule.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you and kidney bean are doing well. Hope your respiratory problem has cleared up.
Jon and I are starting home on Mon. Temp was 98 degrees yeaterday.
Love Aunt Chris


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